Daily Dose of Goodness

Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.

Daily Dose of Goodness

Daily Dose of Goodness

Daily Dose of Goodness

Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.


About Me



Hey there and welcome!

If we haven’t met before, let me introduce myself. My name is Ally Chard and I’m a 21 year old college student at the University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh studying Human Resources and Spanish. I’m originally from Madison, Wisconsin- the state’s capital- home to all things cheese, beer, and badgers.

A few facts about myself: My favorite food group is coffee (decaf is for quitters), I like salads with no dressing (weird, right?), and if I showed you my Pinterest it would consist solely of quotes divided into boards with various themes. When I was in middle school, I made a bracelet that said “Jesus Freak” and wore it proudly to class every day. I wear fake glasses on occasion because it makes me feel like I am straight off an episode of Gossip Girl. In preschool, I shoved a popcorn kernel up my best friend’s nose and when it got stuck (as it does), we had to call the ambulance.

My intention for this blog is that it’s a space of encouragement and inspiration. I hope that as I share my life and its stories, it will encourage others to do the same. As a society, we often underline and italicize our differences when, in reality, we are more alike than we care to admit. We all crave community. We all want to belong. I hope through these blog posts and the content on my social media pages, you gain a sense of togetherness. I hope you are reminded of your worth, everything you offer the world, and that your dreams are never too big (even if those around you say otherwise). This is a safe place to talk about all the things. I cannot wait to get to know each other along the way.

Come as you are, stay as long as you’d like.

Xoxo, Al

Blog Posts

The Bottle & The Beloved

How are the alcoholic and the sober similar? To the alcoholic, he can choose the bottle and his beloveds. To the sober, she sees that...
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Sometimes, all you need is a blank page.

I remember sitting in a park around this time last year lamenting to my mom that my Spanish speaking skills weren't where I wanted them...
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What the Texas Heartbeat Act Fails to Address

Every woman should have agency over her body. Every. Single. Woman. Should have the ability to choose what happens inside her own body. Ideally, the...
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Redefining Home

What makes a home? The type of home? Where it’s located? The people inside? The way it makes you feel? Must home be singular? Can...
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Quérote, Galicia.

It has been approximately five months since I started living and teaching in Vigo, Spain. Throughout my experience, what first started as peculiarities have shifted...
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No Te Preocupes

Adjusting to life abroad Today marks four months since my arrival in Spain. Time simultaneously moves at lightning speed and a snail’s pace. I remember...
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Let’s Connect!

 Instagram @allyraechard

 Facebook Page Daily Dose Of Goodness

“Tell your story because your story will heal you and it will heal someone else.”

– Iyanla Vanzant

About Me

Hello dear readers,

Perhaps you stumbled upon this blog by accident while searching key words in Google or are headed abroad and looking for travel suggestions. Maybe you’re thinking about starting your own blog and in search of inspiration. Whatever it is, however you got here, welcome. This space is designed to talk about all the things- from travel, to college life, balancing friendships, maintaining a strong faith, to learning what it means to “Be enough” and how to rewire our brains to know this as truth. This is a space for it all. There are no limits and there are no prerequisites. Come as you are, stay as long as you’d like. So join me; take a seat, and grab some coffee. Let’s talk about it all- right here, right now. May these pages meet you where you are at and encourage you to live the life that you have always dreamed of.

– Ally