Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.
10 Reasons to Start Saying “Yes”

10 Reasons to Start Saying “Yes”

A little over a year ago, I said the biggest “Yes” of my life. At 23 years old, there are few moments in which I can point to and attribute immense growth.

I stepped foot in a new country and spent a semester abroad surrounded by strangers. That “yes” was the scariest to say. Fast forward 4 months and I had acquired new vision for my future; I was leaving with more than I could have ever come with. I would not be the woman that I am today having not said that scary “yes”.

In January 2020, I voluntarily flew back across the ocean to explore Europe in my first solo experience. I reconnected with old friends, met new ones, and found contentment in my time alone. Similarly, accepting my first internship, moving away to college, and applying to be graduation speaker all involved big yeses.

There are a myriad of other examples that could illustrate the same point – the outcome warrants the inconvenience. Fear is the cost of admission to many worthy life experiences. So why do we run from it?

We shy away from saying “yes” because it may disrupt our perfectly picked plans for the future. We’re worried that it will be hard. We may fail. It could cause discomfort. It may take too long.

And you know what? It will be hard. It will absolutely involve discomfort. And there is a high probability that our plans will be dismantled. However, the deepest desires of our heart sit on the other side of uncertainty. They deserve a voice and space to breathe.

When to say “yes” :

  1. When it makes you step outside your comfort zone.
  2. When it requires you to get dirty.
  3. When it makes you unplug.
  4. When it allows you to be creative.
  5. When it means you’ll make memories.
  6. When it involves meeting someone new.
  7. When it requires time spent alone.
  8. When it involves fresh air.
  9. When it means seeing a new corner of the world.
  10. When it scares you – especially then. Always say “yes” when it’s scary to keep moving forward.

Fear is a good indication that we are moving in the right direction. Without fear, we would continue to live safely in the confines of our comfort zone. I am convinced that life’s richest moments and growth opportunities are birthed – not in the absence of fear – but because of it.

Don’t be afraid of change. Without it, we stay stuck on autopilot forever, never truly awakening our deepest potential. Besides, anything worthwhile will be difficult. You will be challenged. You may feel uncomfortable. Push through. Do it anyways. Remember, progress is still progress no matter how slow.

Here’s one way I push myself to move past fear: Gather your proudest moments and put them on display for yourself. Was the experience scary? Did it involve a degree of uncertainty? Did you fear failure? Now, consider what you gained from it – how you changed because of it. I want you to keep these instances close by so that when you are faced with hard things, you have this list to lean on. Write them all down and put them on your bedside table. Let them be a testament to how far you’ve come; use them as fuel to propel you where you’re going.

God places the best things on the other side of terror.

– Will Smith