Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.
The Five Friends Everyone Should Seek.

The Five Friends Everyone Should Seek.

The Cheerleader

These friends know how to PUMP. YOU. UP. They are your biggest supporters and always ready to cheer you on. These friends yell the loudest for your accomplishments and jump for joy when you share good news. Even more, each “Hooray!” is genuine and meaningful. They love to celebrate you and every other friend when they achieve a new milestone or receive exciting news. These people look outside themselves often and see the value of affirming words in a friendship. You can count on them to raise their pom poms high in the air as they celebrate and encourage their besties.

The Realist

The Realist tells you like it is. There is no sugar-coated kindness wrapped around their message; it is clear and to the point. Oftentimes, what they have to say is difficult to digest but after the initial processing, the truth in their message shines through….even if the delivery knocks you off balance. Having a friend like The Realist is crucial for one’s growth because he/she is committed to your success, even at the cost of your ego. Although harsh, their unchiseled edges and point blank delivery show that they care enough to confront the difficult truths that other friends may shy away from addressing. They want your success and well-being as much as they want their own. They’ll call you out when you need a reminder of who you are and what you stand for. These friends are precious beyond measure.

The Lifer

The Lifer has seen it all and lived to tell the tale. These friends hold all your dearest memories because they made them with you. A Lifer is a special kind of friend. Not all are fortunate enough to have one but those that do, know the value of the friendship. Lifers have walked alongside you during all seasons of life (even from a far away distance) and that’s what makes them so unique. As you grew and changed, they did too. They accepted your progress and encouraged you along your ever-evolving path. They acknowledged that although their journey looked different than yours, the two of you could still encourage each other along the way. Your friendship has passed the test of time, distance, and perhaps a few unexpected bumps in the road– all the while making the bond that much more unbreakable.

The Dreamer

A dreamer knows no bounds. The dreamer is a friend that pushes you to say the biggest “Yes” to any opportunity that beckons adventure and exploration. They have big, audacious dreams for their own life and want nothing more than for you to claim the same for yours. Dreamers challenge every ideal and vision we ever had for our future by asking us to go BIGGER, think CRAZIER, and pretend there are NO LIMITS.

Dreamers are important people because they shake us out of the funk we often find ourselves in. They remind us that this is our very own unique life– the only life we have– the one life we get to live. They encourage us to be fully present and value the time we have before we’re too old or too ill to live at full capacity. Dreamers see commas where we put periods and know no limits because they’ve spent their lives living outside the lines.

The Mentor

You have massive respect for this person. Mentors are often incredibly disciplined and intentional with their time. They never once pretend to have it all together. A mentor is someone with habits and routines that you aspire to adopt. You admire them for their level-head and outlook on life. It can be difficult to find a mentor in the specific field that you are seeking (after all, they don’t grow on trees). Consider looking outside your circle for this person. A mentor doesn’t have to be a professional in your workplace or someone within your community, a mentor is anyone from which you choose to learn. My mentor is Rachel Hollis. Does she know I exist? No (not yet). Can I still obtain tools and techniques from her to apply in my own life? Of course! That is the beauty of the world we live in today.

“In an age of this much information, ignorance is a choice.”

– Donald Miller

Whoever teaches in a way that resignates with you and the area that you’re interested in developing is subject to being a source of mentorship in your life. Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, Ellen Degeneres, Beyonce– determine your area of focus and identify the individual that most clearly reflects the qualities and skills you seek to obtain. There no longer is a reasonable excuse for not constantly evolving as individuals– the world is too vast and knowledge too prevalent to stand still, oblivious to it all.

Friendship is a sacred gift and one that should be treasured as you trust another human with a piece of yourself. If you’ve read the above list and find yourself lacking any of these individuals, fear not! Life has constant ebs and flows. Tides will change and people will cycle through your life, opening your eyes and heart to the prospect of new relationships on the horizon.