Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.
How to Protect your Peace during a Pandemic

How to Protect your Peace during a Pandemic

In the midst of this pandemic, I seek to find meaning where there seems to be no rationale. Despite the uncertainty, I want to see a shred of positivity – some ray of hope – that can act as a guiding light through this tunnel of turmoil. While we navigate unchartered territory, we must fight to keep our contentment.

1. Choose joy.

Now more than ever before, we must make a concerted effort to choose joy, especially when our default is fear. Weddings, marathons, concerts, sporting events, and schools continue to be cancelled. In a time when so much is out of our control, there are several things still within our grasp. Our attitude & our effort – they are ours to choose each morning.

Let’s commit to an attitude of gratitude (I love when words rhyme!) in our day-to-day lives, not despite the pandemic, but because of it. I have cooked more meals the last week than most months. I am slowing down instead of running off to the next item on my to-do list. I have read, watched funny RomComs, and colored. I’ve cleaned my house. I’ve spent time with family. I’ve redecorated my room. Each day, ask yourself what you need; there is no one remedy to coping with the world’s volatile state. Do you need to laugh? To smile? To sleep? To talk? Let’s use this time to grow in-touch with our inner dialogue & listen to what our mind and body need most.

2. Create beautiful spaces.

Despite the spectrum of opinions surrounding the virus, there is no disputing that we will be stationary for the foreseeable future. Bars, restaurants, libraries, gyms, schools, and churches are closed. Social gatherings are highly discouraged. If I am going to be spending this much time in one place, I want it to be beautiful.

Take time to declutter and redecorate. What kind of space do you want to wake up to each morning? For me, I want creativity and inspiration to bombard my eyes as soon as they open. I want positivity present on every wall. Creating a space you want to wake up in doesn’t take much. With some construction paper, markers, and quotes from my favorite books, I’m designing a whole new space for myself. Consider doing the same!

3. Keep the human in humanity.

This one’s important – it is a fragile time for humanity. Now more than ever before, we see that control is an absolute illusion. Change is the only constant in this life. If I must find a silver lining during the pandemic, it is the honest, self-reflection of many individuals that has emerged from the solitude. We’re beginning to ask hard questions about who we are, what we value, and how we cope with ambiguity.

As a society, we tend to underline and italicize our differences. This pandemic is illuminating our similarities. We might not look, speak, vote, believe, or act the same but we are all fighting the same virus. We all have this shared experience that will forever bond us. Now more than ever before we must see past our differences in order to help a hurting world. We don’t need a solution, we need a community – to be reminded that we are not alone through the chaos. Lean on the people in your life; seek connection in this time of social distance.

4. Find a new normal

With normalcy fleeting, it is so important that we build new routines for our daily lives. As new updates continue to develop surrounding the virus, these habits will be foundational when protecting our peace. Changing out of your pjs, putting on make-up, cooking dinner each night, reading before bed — do whatever you need to feel grounded. This too shall pass; however, it is not passing any time soon. Take back control wherever possible & accept the uncertainty in areas we do not have answers. Such acceptance will aid in our inner peace.

This too shall pass.