Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.
A Letter to the Women Who have felt “Less Than” Lately.

A Letter to the Women Who have felt “Less Than” Lately.

A Letter from My Courage.

What follows is a letter that I wrote on February 16th, 2019– just short of Valentine’s Day. It is written to myself from my courage. The letter addresses a lie I often find myself believing and works to call out every way in which this lie lacks validity.

The exercise was massively impactful for me. I keep this letter on my bedside table so that whenever I feel defeated or “less than”, I have it easily accessible. It serves as a reminder of what I’ve walked through, how far I’ve come, and who I truly am. The world works to convince us of many things; if our feet are not firmly planted, we risk being swept away by the criticisms and opinions of others.

If you like this concept, you may consider writing a letter of your own. Perhaps from your tenacity, perseverance, compassion, or fearlessness. Choose whatever speaks to you. When you write the letter, make sure to include a date. This idea is adopted from my favorite author, Rachel Hollis, who has inspired me in countless ways to stop sitting in the passenger seat of my own life.

Dear Ally,

You tend to believe the lie that you need to be more of something in order to be enough (for him, for her, for them). You succumb to the belief that in your current state, you need fixing. This is ridiculous. Ludacrious. Pure horse crappery.

So, let’s break down the lie of “not enough” and expose it with truths too loud to silence.

#1. You are compassionate.

Your zest for life is contagious and you deeply desire to be in community with others. You have a servant’s heart (like your mamma) and believe that this world is better with every smile. Despite the hurt your heart has experienced, you believe that love exists. You’ve walked through dark and difficult seasons. Now, you’ve returned carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the flames. You always get back up.

#2. You are ambitious.

You started a blog and write routinely even if no one reads it. You created a Facebook page purely for the purpose of uplifting others. You write your goals down every single morning because you dare to believe in yourself. Your dreams are big and audacious and super scary yet, you chase them anyways. You are pursuing the work of your heart and believe wholeheartedly in its potential impact on the world. No one gets to tell you how big you can be.

#3. You are brave.

You left your life in Wisconsin to live in a new country, on a different continent, with a family whose native language was not your own. You stood in front of a room of 100 facility, staff, and students while proudly giving a seven minute speech on the benefits of fracking. You applied to be a Titan Gold Corp as a freshman in college and conquered the six-person round table interview. You mastered the material to be a tour guide while also making it uniquely yours. You may be scared, but you do it anyways.

#4. You are enough.

You are so freaking enough I can’t even handle it. Separate from your accomplishments, you as a human being are worthy and deserving of love exactly as you are. You so willingly offer affirming words and encouragement to others– be it a friend or stranger– yet use them so sparingly on yourself. That narrative stops now.

You wear a belt with many badges of your bravery. You dare to want more for your life, even if your “more” looks different than everyone else’s. Above all, you have an innate ability to love on others and choose positivity as your mindset each morning.

You are enough– you have always been enough. Your worth will always and only be defined by you. You are worthy and deserving of love exactly as you are. Don’t ever change- not for him, not for them, and most certainly not for those in the cheap seats trying to exchange an expensive opinion about your life.

Love Always,

Your Courage