Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.
A Reflection on the Last 22 Years of Life.

A Reflection on the Last 22 Years of Life.

YOU GUYS! 22 whole years of living. What is this life? Stop the madness! I am exactly 8 years away from being 30. 30!!!!!!! I can’t even on so many levels right now.

— Alright. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s time to share my heart —

I sit here today writing you on February 1, 2019. It is exactly one day shy of my 22nd birthday. To most people, turning 22 is far from eventful and nothing in comparison to the milestones of 18 or 21. However, I can’t help but gaze lovingly at 22 wholesome years of life.

I’ve always been keen on birthdays (some friends may even peg it as an obsession). In truth, birthdays are my favorite holiday, be it mine or someone else’s. Frankly, I have a hard time believing that I will ever become the type to dread birthdays or the prospect of turning another year older. I think birthdays are an opportunity for celebration and quality time with the people that make our heart’s whole.

For me, birthdays have always offered themselves as a point of reflection. As I look back on the years that created 22, I see several distinct seasons of life. Each brought their own unique obstacles and, although difficult, I gained invaluable wisdom. During these seasons, there was also a myriad of laughter, smiles, incredible memories, and incomparable joy. Together, they make the woman that writes you today.

I figured there is no better way to reflect back than through the lenses of my favorite Pinterest quotes. As you may know, quotes are my love language. I have an entire Pinterest page dedicated to all my favorites so it felt right putting them to good use.


Embrace the truth that you are totally weird, a little bit silly, and completely okay with it. Being different is the only way to stand out. I don’t mean stand out as in wear flip flops in winter or drink decaf coffee on a Monday morning– those ideas stretch towards insanity. What I mean is that we don’t have to live a life tailored to other people’s approval. In no rule book is this written. We need to live life in a way that when our head hits the pillow each night, we can say with certainty that we showed up in a way that reflects the best version of who we want to be.


Undoubtedly, the most pronounced part of this past year was the 4 months I spent abroad. During the semester, my perspective was broadened and my mind made clear. Since returning, I see the world differently and look for beauty more often. Life is so much bigger than the box we were raised in. After getting a taste, I can’t stop exploring this big, beautiful world.


This truth has been transformational in my personal development journey. The pieces that make up your past matter; they are defining in the story of you. I believe that real is relatable. Authenticity will always triumph over perfection for the simple truth that we are all just trying to figure it out. Absolutely none of us have any idea what we are doing. Our mistakes are proof that we care enough to show up for ourselves everyday.

When we experience difficult seasons (as we all do) and make it to the other side, we can walk out of the fire carrying buckets of water for women still consumed by the flames. Let’s stop trying to mask our hardships and painful experiences with pretty pictures and responses that mirror “I’m fine.” Instead, let’s extend an olive branch to others by offering a safe place to share hard things.

Real is relatable. It is okay not to be okay. The best version of you is the one with messy hair and a coffee in hand, ready to take on a new day. 


I believe comparison is a woman’s krytonite. When we give into comparison, it has the power to withdraw every ounce of happiness from our body. In its place, comparison leaves behind thoughts of inferiority and a “less than” mentality.

Comparison is the death of all joy. We will never all be the same and no amount of hair products or shopping sprees will achieve the standard we seek.

We weren’t created to be the same. Ever single thing about us, down to the way our fingerprints are configured, is 100% irreplacable. You are you for the simple fact that no one else can be. Let’s stop running from ourselves long enough to look in the mirror and see the beauty that is uniquely ours.

Love who you are, right now, as you are. Find beauty in absolutely any corner of this earth (not just across an ocean). There is power in your past because it plays a role in your present. Comparison is the death of all joy. 

Cheers to 22 big, beautiful, blessed years.