Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.
Daily Dose of Goodness

About Me

Hello dear readers,

Perhaps you stumbled upon this blog by accident while searching key words in Google or are headed abroad and looking for travel suggestions. Maybe you’re thinking about starting your own blog and in search of inspiration. Whatever it is, however you got here, welcome. This space is designed to talk about all the things- from travel, to college life, balancing friendships, maintaining a strong faith, to learning what it means to “Be enough” and how to rewire our brains to know this as truth. This is a space for it all. There are no limits and there are no prerequisites. Come as you are, stay as long as you’d like. So join me; take a seat, and grab some coffee. Let’s talk about it all- right here, right now. May these pages meet you where you are at and encourage you to live the life that you have always dreamed of.

– Ally

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