Learning to live an intentional, purpose-driven life.
It’s Time to Let Go

It’s Time to Let Go

The Time is Now

It’s time — to let go, cut ties, to move on. Whatever comes to mind when reading those words, that’s your next mountain. That’s the next forward step you need to take.

Letting go is both freeing and heartbreaking. Oftentimes, we must let go of something that we love deeply but is no longer serving us. In many cases, that which we love no longer loves us back. Or its words and its actions are in misalignment. The time it takes to process this truth is often what leaves us clinging to the very thing we should let go.

I think that more often than not, we know when something isn’t good for us. We have a fairly keen sense of identifying when a habit, mindset, or person is not benefiting our life. However, actually taking action towards a healthier self is where the disconnect occurs. The fear of the unknown is strong enough to keep us planted in our pain, no matter how painful.

What Happens When You Don’t Let Go

When we cling to something (or perhaps, someone) that is no longer good for us, we welcome pain and disappointment. We knowingly invite hurt into our home. We encourage the sadness.

I don’t know what you’re clinging to nor do I understand what bondage you have yet to break. But I implore with you to dig deep and confront the difficult truths. In doing so, you may realize what you already know. Please recognize that the quality of your life sits 100% in the decisions you make. It is the most powerful tool we have UNLIMITED access to. If you do not like where you are at, it is likely due to a lack of decision-making in your life.

Remember – we typically know when something isn’t good for us. However, we stay stuck because it is our own brand of discomfort. We know how to handle this type of pain because we’ve been doing it for so long. Letting go has never been a pretty process but it is the only way forward.

What Letting Go Looks Like

What does letting go look like? It looks like an endless waterfall of tears as you try to reason with yourself that moving on is better than staying stuck. It looks like saying “No” when your entire body begs you to say “Yes”. Letting go means fighting against the muscle memory to conform. It consists of making your mental and emotional well-being priorities and removing anything that compromises that commitment.

The process of letting go is rarely easy nor does it resolve itself quickly. It takes time. It takes feeling pain now so that you can experience freedom in the future. That is the price of admission.

The Courage to Move Forward

Although the unknown is scary, it is necessary. You must let go. You cannot avoid this pain. Temporary band-aids and quick fixes will only prolong the process.

You can do this. You have made it through difficult days. You are strong and smart and capable. Stop feeding yourself lies and dressing them up as Truth. This mountain is no match for you. Your fear of letting go is far greater than the actual release.

You have to believe that your current state is not as good as it gets. But in order for anything to change, you have to take action. You must be willing to cry, feel uncertainty, experience sadness, and make the decision to walk away anyways.

You deserve love. You deserve it without any strings attached. You are worthy exactly as you are. I pray you confidence so fierce that your fears don’t stand a chance. And on especially difficult days, I pray you persistence to feel the fear and do it anyways. Let go in order to move on. Find freedom by facing your fears.